Thursday, November 29, 2007 Introduces Complete Off-the-Shelf Training Program for Professionalism and Business Etiquette

I've partnered with Deb Dominguez to create the following product, available now. This is an exciting new venture which, from the early results, looks to be a huge success. Let me know what you think of it... Introduces Complete Off-the-Shelf Training Program for Professionalism and Business Etiquette

Management Success Training Company Offers Off-the-Shelf Training Program for Trainers to Provide the Next-Generation of Managers with the Necessary Knowledge and Tools for What it Takes to Be A Professional.

California, November, 2007 – a premier management success training company, is pleased to announce that it will begin offering a series of off-the-shelf management training programs designed to give the next-generation of managers a higher-level understanding of what it takes to be a professional manager. The courses were created to provide insight for managers who need to become familiar with the big picture of professionalism and management within business. The courses also serve to help managers who have a team of new employees that need the basics of professionalism.

Most employees have never been trained on what it means to be a “Professional”

Why should you care? Because professional employees at all levels of an organization will be more likely to keep their commitments, work cooperatively and build rapport and trust with each other and with customers.

This powerful off-the-shelf training program includes everything a trainer needs to successfully deliver a high-impact 2-hour workshop. This turn-key training program is available for immediate download through the website. Trainers can use it “as is” or customize it with their own branding! This comprehensive program is a complete guide to professionalism and business etiquette and is provided in a customizable format to add points and examples of specific significance to a client’s organization if desired.

"This workshop was a huge success in our organization. It was like a light went on inside of our employees–they really got it. I've noticed a big difference in their attitude but more importantly, our customers have noticed it too. Priceless." says Mark Purdy, President and CEO of TRL Systems, Inc. will initially offer Professionalism and Business Etiquette within the "Management Success" series. Using a very accessible and hands-on approach, this workshop demonstrates the foundational expectations inherent in the designation “professional.”

Susan K. Gerke, of Gerke Consulting & Development L.L.C. says "Awesome!!! I love it all! The facilitator guide gives all the detail needed to lead the workshop. It's great to have so much information on how to run all of the activities. Great job!"

This 2-hour Professionalism and Business Etiquette Workshop is appropriate for:
  • New Managers
  • Individual contributors who are transitioning to management positions
  • New Employee Orientations
  • Customer Service and Sales Staff
  • Operational and Administrative Staff
  • Refresher for Existing Managers

“As the gap widens between the older, more experienced, workforce the need to provide the next-generation of management with the basic understanding of what it takes to be successful as a manager rises dramatically." said Deb Dominguez, of "This series of management success training courses is designed to give managers a practical understanding of what is needed to succeed within the enterprise as a whole."

About dedicated to delivering off-the-shelf management success training programs with an emphasis on going beyond the surface and taking participants deeper into what it means to be a successful manager from the inside out. Our programs seek to engage participants in focusing attention on their own choices and how they impact those around them. Additionally, offers management success training programs to corporations, government agencies, and not-for-profits throughout the country and around the world. For more information, visit

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